Can congenital uterine malformations lead to childbirth? Can uterine malformations be tested in vitro?
2023-08-18 本站作者 【 字体:大 中 小 】
Can congenital uterine malformations lead to childbirth? Can uterine malformations be tested in vitro? Generally speaking, uterine malformations do not lead to infertility. If there is no need to have a baby, there is no need to consider this issue. But if it is a uterine malformation that causes amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, or habitual miscarriage, it is necessary to go to the hospital for relevant examinations. If the medication cannot improve it, surgery needs to be considered. But surgery carries risks and requires long-term care. After the surgery, one still needs to conceive and have a child on their own, if conditions permit.
1、 Can uterine malformations lead to pregnancy?
The first type: uterine malformations that can naturally conceive. Including uniangular uterus, residual horn uterus, bicornuate uterus (bicornuate uterus, mediastinal uterus), arcuate uterus, etc. Although the characteristics, volume, and volume of the uterus are different from those of a normal uterus, surgical correction is generally not required. Most can naturally conceive and reach full term.
Of course, due to the small size of the uterus, theoretically it is easy to miscarry or give birth prematurely. It is necessary to decide whether to undergo uterine correction surgery based on the specific situation of the patient. For example, the vast majority of mediastinal uterus do not require correction, and only when recurrent miscarriages related to deformities occur, a mediastinal incision is necessary. Additionally, not all deformities can be corrected. For example, if a single horn uterus cannot be treated, prenatal monitoring can only be strengthened after pregnancy to extend the gestational week as much as possible and reduce the occurrence of complications such as premature birth.
The second type: uterine malformation combined with other infertility factors. Most patients with uterine malformations can have normal pregnancy and delivery, but there are still some patients with uterine malformations who are associated with infertility factors and require IVF assisted reproductive therapy. For patients with uterine malformations who require IVF treatment, we recommend single embryo transfer to reduce the occurrence of twins and multiple pregnancies, in order to achieve better pregnancy outcomes.
The third type: uterine malformations that cannot conceive naturally. Although most patients with uterine malformations and infertility can seek assistance in assisted reproduction, some severe types of uterine malformations, such as congenital anuria or primitive uterus, theoretically can obtain suitable fertilized eggs. However, due to the lack of suitable soil, pregnancy outcomes are difficult to improve.
For this group of patients, there are two main ways to address their reproductive needs: one is to undergo a uterine transplant, and the other is to seek third-party assisted reproduction. Although organ transplantation itself is not difficult, currently heart, lung, liver, and kidney can all be transplanted. But obstetricians and gynecology have been performing destructive surgeries, and transplantation is reconstruction. The uterus is located deep in the human pelvic cavity, with slender blood vessels. It is extremely difficult to cut and sew blood vessels during surgery, and there is a strong rejection reaction. So far, uterine transplantation remains a worldwide medical challenge.
Can congenital uterine malformations lead to childbirth? Can uterine malformations be tested in vitro? Generally speaking, uterine malformations do not lead to infertility. If there is no need to have children, there is no need to consider this issue. But if it is a uterine malformation that causes amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, or habitual miscarriage, it is necessary to go to the hospital for relevant examinations. Tt592bb111
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