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Many people are pregnant for the first time and do not know when they can see their baby's gestational sac, fetal heart rate, and embryonic buds after undergoing in vitro fertilization. In order to answer the sisters' questions, 592 Baobao has consulted many materials. Now let's have a look with me.
What are gestational sac, fetal heart rate, and embryonic bud?
Gestational sac: The original placental tissue of the gestational sac, enclosed in the amniotic membrane and vascular network. The gestational sac changes with fetal development, but it only appears in the early stages of pregnancy. Generally speaking, at 11 weeks of pregnancy, the gestational sac disappears completely from the ultrasound, and the placenta is clearly visible. The gestational sac is responsible for protecting the baby.
Fetal bud: The period of three to four weeks of pregnancy is called the embryonic bud period (the first month of pregnancy).
Fetal heart rate: also known as fetal heart rate, it reflects the condition of the fetus in the uterus.
How long can pregnancy take to detect gestational sac, fetal heart rate, and embryo bud?
At first, the gestational sac was very small, and then it gradually grew up. In general, after 5 weeks of pregnancy, ultrasound can see a small fetal sac, which accounts for about 1/4 of the uterine cavity, and fetal buds can also be seen. If it is a normal intrauterine pregnancy, the gestational sac can be seen through ultrasound after about 40 days of pregnancy, but due to individual differences, the pregnancy time may be delayed to around 45 days. Usually, B-ultrasound examination is performed at 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, and intrauterine fetal buds and fetal heart tube pulsation are visible. Pregnant women who are more than 7 weeks pregnant and have no fetal buds or heart rate should consider the possibility of embryo development stopping and promptly go to the hospital for a prenatal examination. Generally speaking, around 8-10 weeks, a B-ultrasound examination will reveal the fetal heart rate. Fetal sac is formed on the 30th to 40th day of pregnancy, embryonic bud is formed on the 40th to 50th day of pregnancy, and fetal heart is formed on the 50th to 60th day of pregnancy. About 40 days later, a B-ultrasound examination will be performed, and fetal buds can be seen to be 0.5-1 centimeters in size, resembling small seahorses. If no fetal buds are found, the doctor will take them seriously.
4 weeks: The fetus is only 0.2 centimeters long. After the implantation of the fertilized egg, the amniotic cavity is formed and its volume is very small. Ultrasound still cannot detect any signs of pregnancy.
5 weeks: The fetus grows to 0.4 centimeters, enters the embryonic stage, the amniotic cavity expands, and the primitive cardiovascular system appears, which may cause pulsation. Ultrasound can see small fetal cysts that account for less than 1/4 of the uterine cavity, as well as fetal buds. It is as big as an apple seed and looks like a "little seahorse".
6 weeks: The fetus grows to 0.85 centimeters, with differentiated organs such as the fetal head, cerebral vesicles, prefrontal organs, respiratory, digestive, and neural organs. Ultrasound can see the fetal sac, fetal buds, and fetal heart.
7 weeks: The embryo grows to 1.33 centimeters and has already formed a human embryo. The somites have fully differentiated, the limbs have separated, and various systems have further developed. Ultrasound clearly displays fetal buds and fetal heartbeat, with 1/3 of them located in the uterine cavity. At this point, the fetal heart sound is still not heard, and the embryonic heart is divided into left and right atria, beating approximately 150 times per minute.
8 weeks: The fetal length reaches 1.66 centimeters, the fetal shape has been determined, and it can be divided into fetal head, body, and limbs. The fetal head is larger than the trunk. B-ultrasound shows that the fetal sac accounts for about half of the official cavity, with visible morphology, fetal movement, and yolk sac. These organs have prominent features between the fingertips and toes. Many complex embryonic organs begin to develop and the embryo can move.
9 weeks: The fetus grows to 2.15cm, the fetal head is larger than the fetal body, the fetal side is clearly visible, the skull begins to calcifie, and the placenta begins to develop. Ultrasound observation revealed that the fetal sac was widely distributed, with obvious distribution, and the placenta began to appear. All organs, muscles, and nerves of the fetus begin to function and then develop rapidly.
10 weeks: The fetus has grown to 2.83 centimeters, all organs have formed, and the placenta has formed. Ultrasound shows that the fetal sac is beginning to disappear, the crescent placenta is visible, and the fetus is active in the amniotic fluid. The shape is similar to that of lentils.
Early pregnancy and pregnancy ultrasound suggest that pregnancy is a complex process. After fertilization of the egg, the in vitro transfer embryo enters the uterine cavity, and the embryo and its attachments grow and develop rapidly until maturity. Different changes occur during each pregnancy. The editor of 592 Baobao Net suggests that everyone must undergo prenatal examinations on time and always pay attention to pregnancy health.