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Is it possible for a twin to have a normal doubling of the HCG value 1179 on the 12th day of blastocyst transplantation?

2023-08-19 本站作者 【 字体:

Is it possible for a twin to have a normal doubling of the HCG value 1179 on the 12th day of blastocyst transplantation? After three years of marriage, I did not conceive. Recently, I underwent a blastocyst transplant and received an 11 cell one. It has been 12 days now, and the HCG value found is 1179. My friends said that doubling is normal. However, I heard that test tubes are prone to giving birth to twins, and my husband and I both want twin babies. Currently, we are very anxious. I would like to know if this HCG value is likely to be a twin?

Is it possible for a twin to have a normal doubling of the HCG value 1179 on the 12th day of blastocyst transplantation?(图1)

After 12 days of blastocyst transplantation, hCG testing was performed, and the obtained value was 1179. The double test values were normal, but in fact, patients may not necessarily conceive twins. However, the data shows that if the blood HCG value exceeds 10000 after 12 days of transplantation, there is a possibility of twins, which can be examined by color Doppler ultrasound later. Of course, regardless of the health value, it cannot be determined that they are twins. Twins cannot be determined based on the value of HCG, but should be determined through scientific means between 6 and 7 weeks of pregnancy.

Determining whether a twin is based on HCG levels is not a reliable method. If you want to determine whether you are twins after blastocyst transplantation, it is best to use ultrasound or other professional medical examinations to determine. Of course, according to research, there is also a certain range of HCG levels in twins.

7-12 days after transplantation

7-12 days after transplantation, women's HCG level is about twice that of ordinary pregnant women, which may be twins, but not all women after transplantation conform to this model. The rate of increase in HCG levels may vary during the same cycle, depending on the individual's physical condition.

Transplant Day 14

On the 14th day, the HCG level may be 75-260mIU/mL, but it may not be certain whether it is a single or twin pregnancy. If the value of HCG exceeds 10000, there is a greater likelihood of conceiving twins.

14-28 days after transplantation

After approximately 14 days, the growth of HCG values in twins will slow down compared to individual embryos. At this point, the HCG levels of twins may be slightly lower than those of singletons, which means that the probability of twins being born at this time is relatively low.

Is it possible for a twin to have a normal doubling of the HCG value 1179 on the 12th day of blastocyst transplantation? In summary, doubling the normal hCG value 12 days after blastocyst transplantation is a normal manifestation of in vitro fertilization after blastocyst transplantation, and cannot directly confirm whether it is a twin pregnancy. If multiple pregnancies are diagnosed, further observation through early pregnancy ultrasound is necessary. If it is a multiple pregnancy, it is recommended to conduct early pregnancy management under the guidance of a doctor to ensure the health of the pregnant woman and fetus.
