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How much does it cost for Hunan CITIC Xiangya to have a third generation test tube baby boy in 2023?

2023-08-19 本站作者 【 字体:

How much does it cost for Hunan CITIC Xiangya to have a third generation test tube baby boy in 2023? In 2023, Hunan CITIC Xiangya can perform third-generation IVF technology, which will cost approximately 80000-120000 yuan per session. Some special populations may require 2-3 attempts to succeed, which can result in high costs for IVF, so the specific cost depends on the number of attempts made. Also, it should be noted that the third generation test tubes of this hospital cannot contain boys, as the country prohibits non medical sex selection in test tubes.

How much does it cost for Hunan CITIC Xiangya to have a third generation test tube baby boy in 2023?(图1)

The technology of producing test tubes at CITIC Xiangya Reproductive and Genetic Hospital is among the top in China, and each doctor's medical skills are quite high, which is very trustworthy. CITIC Xiangya Reproductive and Genetic Hospital is a hospital with modern reproductive technology and advanced equipment. We have a professional medical team that has helped tens of thousands of infertile patients successfully give birth to Liner. It is the best choice for in vitro fertilization.

Netizens ask questions

I didn't get pregnant last year. After going to Hunan CITIC Xiangya Hospital for examination, the doctor said that I have some chromosomal problems and the natural conception rate is extremely low. So he suggested that we do third-generation IVF. I heard that this technique can also carry boys, so I want to give it a try, I don't know how much it will cost. Does anyone know?

Doctor Consultant

CITIC Xiangya's third generation cannot produce a boy in vitro, but it will cost approximately 80000-120000 yuan to perform this project once, mainly including preoperative examination costs, ovulation promoting drug costs, gene screening costs, etc., As shown in the table below:

Serial Number Project Cost

Preoperative examination costs around 5000 yuan.

2 ovulation promoting drugs 20000 yuan

3. Egg retrieval surgery: 6000-8000 yuan

4. Embryo culture costs 3000 to 5000 yuan.

5. Gene screening: 10000 to 20000 yuan

Embryo transfer is about 20000 yuan

The above is the cost breakdown for CITIC Xiangya to produce the third generation test tubes. Because this technology requires screening for genetic diseases, the cost of embryo screening will increase depending on the number of embryos that need to be screened. The more embryos to screen, the higher the cost.

Netizens ask questions

When I went to the hospital for consultation, there happened to be a girl who was also learning about the third-generation test tube, but it seemed like she was going to make a third-generation test tube for egg donation. How much will it cost?

Fertility consultant

It takes about 100000 yuan to make a third-generation IVF donor at CITIC Xiangya Hospital, which is not much different from the third-generation IVF donor. The main reason is that the cost of ovulation promoting drugs will decrease, with an additional compensation of approximately 10000 to 30000 yuan for egg sources, depending on the actual situation.

Egg source compensation is higher.

The compensation fee for egg source is approximately 10000 to 30000 yuan.

However, it should be noted that the overall cost is also closely related to geography, technical solutions, frequency, etc. If successful once, you can save a lot of money, but if unsuccessful once, the cost will also increase accordingly. Therefore, it is recommended that women adjust their bodies in advance to strive for a success.

Netizens ask questions

Because the family is not particularly wealthy, they are particularly concerned about expenses. Today, I was shocked to see a girl spending 200000 yuan to make a test tube in this hospital online. Is this normal?

Service Advisor

It's normal to spend 200000 yuan on a test tube at CITIC Xiangya. After all, the specific cost depends on the test tube technology used, the patient's condition, and the operation. If some women have poor health, are too old, fail to do it at once, and have multiple cycles, the cost of the test tube will increase relatively, which may cost 200000 yuan. How much does it cost for Hunan CITIC Xiangya to have a third generation test tube baby boy in 2023?
