What difficulties do elderly infertile women face when undergoing in vitro fertilization?
2023-08-18 本站作者 【 字体:大 中 小 】
We all know that women are at an advanced reproductive age after the age of 35, and the risks faced by elderly mothers are relatively high. Many elderly women need to undergo in vitro fertilization due to various infertility issues. So, what are the difficulties faced by elderly infertile women undergoing in vitro fertilization? Let's take a look at this issue together.
What difficulties do elderly infertile women face when undergoing in vitro fertilization? In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a type of assisted reproductive technology in humans, with a relatively low success rate for older women. Among assisted reproductive technologies, age is an important factor in the success of IVF. Due to issues with the quantity or quality of eggs, the number of eggs after superovulation is too small or it is impossible to obtain eggs. At the same time, the quality of eggs decreases, resulting in poor embryonic development potential and a natural decrease in success rate.
Older women have an increased risk of pregnancy complications. Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) is increasing in older pregnant women during pregnancy. Older women are independent risk factors for diabetes, pregnancy induced hypertension, pre eclampsia and other diseases during pregnancy; At the same time, old age also causes an increase in maternal mortality, especially when combined with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, placental abruption and delivery surgery complications, leading to an increase in the mortality of elderly women. Most obstetric complications are due to the difficulties brought about by old age reproduction. Therefore, reproductive and obstetric doctors attach great importance to the risk of elderly mothers.
The incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes in elderly women increases. The adverse pregnancy outcomes of elderly pregnant women increase, the miscarriage rate of elderly pregnant women increases, the premature birth rate increases, the neonatal mortality rate increases, and the neonatal malformation rate increases. Special emphasis: Older women need to strengthen pre pregnancy examinations and assessments, prenatal screening and diagnosis, and neonatal screening and diagnosis when preparing for pregnancy.
What difficulties do elderly infertile women face when undergoing in vitro fertilization? The above is a detailed introduction to this issue. Elderly women have an increased infertility rate, miscarriage rate, and increased risk of developing children. At the same time, the success rate of in vitro fertilization is low, and adverse pregnancy outcomes for mothers and infants increase. Elderly women aged over 35 who have fertility requirements should go to a reputable hospital for pre pregnancy assessment and, if necessary, use assisted reproductive technology to assist in pregnancy.
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