Is there a subsidy for in vitro fertilization for families with lost independence in 2022? Is there a national subsidy for in vitro fertilization for families with lost independence
2023-08-18 本站作者 【 字体:大 中 小 】
Is there a subsidy for in vitro fertilization in families with lost independence? Previously, our country advocated giving birth to one child per family. At that time, there were many only child families, but in some families, only children may die for certain reasons. In this situation, some elderly couples want to have in vitro fertilization after their emotions calm down. Do you know if there is a subsidy for in vitro fertilization in families with lost children?
Families without independence are a special product of China's family planning policy during a special period. Although the death of an only child was only an isolated family event, this risk was caused by the one-child family planning policy at the time.
In an only child family, if the child dies, the entire family will face collapse, and the functions of compensation and support, upbringing, education, socialization, etc. of the family will gradually weaken or even disappear. Parents who have lost their only child are a disadvantaged group and have educational awareness. Related studies have shown that there are currently over a million families in China who have lost their independence, and the frequency of the emergence of "lost alone families" is increasing at a rate of 76000 per year.
Does the country provide subsidies for families who have lost their independence to undergo in vitro fertilization?
For a family, losing someone's independence is very painful. The tragedy of the white haired person sending the black haired person has destroyed the hopes of countless families, lost an independent family, and even after calming down, still plans to become an IVF. In the past few years, there were some related subsidies in some places, such as 20000 to 30000 yuan for in vitro fertilization in families with lost children, and some subsidies were even higher.
Of course, there are also differences in support policies and subsidies among different regions. For example, families who have lost their independence in Beijing can receive a one-time subsidy of 20000 yuan. In Shanghai, for families who may lose their independence again, the government will provide a monthly subsidy of 150 yuan per person, adjusted to 250-300 yuan per person per month.
Is there a subsidy for in vitro fertilization in families with lost independence?
Families who have lost their families need to meet the following conditions to receive subsidies:
Firstly, I need my will. The woman is 35 years old or older and 49 years old or younger;
Secondly, couples who do not have any other surviving children and have financial difficulties in family planning; After medical evaluation, widowed couples need to meet the corresponding indications for assisted reproduction, and if they do not meet the requirements, they cannot apply.
3. Widowed couples can use detoxification drugs without corresponding contraindications, and the average monthly income of the assisted family members is lower than the local living standard;
4. Children of widowed couples who have acted bravely or been assessed as revolutionary martyrs can obtain a certificate from the corresponding department.
We have already provided you with a detailed introduction to this issue, and I believe you will understand. If there are some differences in policies between different regions regarding subsidies for in vitro fertilization (IVF) in families with lost children, it is necessary to ask the relevant government specifically.
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