How much does it cost to give birth to a boy in Cambodia? Is 80000 yuan enough for preparation?
2023-08-18 本站作者 【 字体:大 中 小 】
How much does it cost to give birth to a boy in Cambodia? Is preparing 80000 enough? Although Cambodia is only a small and medium-sized country, it has a high reputation in the IVF industry. On the one hand, Cambodia has strong in vitro technology, and on the other hand, its related costs will also be relatively low. Compared to the test tube cost of 300000 to 400000 yuan in the United States, the total cost of completing physical examinations, ovulation induction, egg retrieval, embryo laboratory, and transplantation in Cambodia is around 100000 yuan, which is relatively cost-effective among overseas test tube infants.
1、 Cambodia Test Tube Cost:
1. The cost of extracorporeal medical treatment for the third generation extracorporeal surgery is approximately 80000 to 100000 yuan per cycle, including 40000 to 50000 yuan for early physical examination, 15000 to 25000 yuan for ovulation induction, 30000 yuan for egg retrieval and embryo culture, 20000 to 40000 yuan for embryo screening, and 40000 to 60000 yuan for embryos
2. Living expenses include accommodation and travel expenses to Cambodia. Generally speaking, the entire IVF surgery requires two visits to Cambodia, each lasting 15 days. During this period, you will need accommodation and food every day. Every time I go to the hospital, I need transportation and a translator. There are also two round-trip tickets to Cambodia, totaling around 60000 to 80000 yuan.
2、 Detailed cost of test tubes:
1. Physical examination. It can be divided into domestic inspection and foreign inspection, usually around 2000 yuan for domestic inspection and around 5000 yuan for foreign inspection. 2. Ovulation promoting drugs. The use of ovulation promoting drugs is the main cost of in vitro fertilization, with a single cycle generally around 50000 yuan. If there are conditions such as ovarian diseases, this part of the cost will also increase. 3. In vitro ovulation induction and egg retrieval. The cost of egg retrieval is generally around 5000 yuan. 4. Embryo laboratory. The cost of the embryo laboratory mainly includes sperm egg binding and pre transplant gene screening, which is approximately 20000 yuan. 5. Migration. It usually costs around 10000 yuan to transfer embryos with good developmental potential into the uterus
3、 The process of in vitro fertilization in Cambodia: The third generation in vitro fertilization technology combines oocytes and sperm to fertilize under laboratory conditions. It can provide more opportunities for those who do not have the opportunity to conceive and bring good news to infertile families.
How much does it cost to give birth to a boy in Cambodia? Is 80000 yuan enough to prepare? Before starting the third generation IVF technology, a series of tests must be conducted to determine the health status of both spouses. If the test results are good, then you can start receiving medication to promote egg maturation. After the mature eggs are collected, the sperm and eggs combine, fertilize under laboratory conditions, and the fertilized eggs are transferred to the mother's uterus. Tt592bb111
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